Kraus-Anderson wins modular classrooms contract in North Dakota

Kraus-Anderson Construction Company , a UK-based construction company, has secured a contract for the development of modular classrooms in Williston, North Dakota schools.

The project involves development of 32 modular classrooms on six acres on two separate sites. The first scheme involves construction of 24 classrooms, which will be developed for McVay Elementary School, while the remaining eight classrooms will be built at the junior/senior high school in Williston.

Construction on the schemes is scheduled to begin in May 2012 and is planned for completion by late 2012. The project has been funded by means of a grant of $3 million from the Emergency state funds to support the district’s expansion.

The new classrooms will address the potential growth of 800-1200 in student population, which Williston schools anticipate by next year. The growth in student population is due to recent spurt in population withnessed in the region due to growth witnessed in oil operations in the region.